Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Impact of Motivation on employees Essay

Motivation is the word derived from the word ‘motive’ which means needs, desires, wants or drives within the persons. It is the process of inspiring people to actions to achieve the goals The sole reason for me in order to choose this topic is that in today’s world doing Business all over the world is a very challenging aspect. The performance that is given or delivered by the corporate is highly influenced by the Internal and the external operating environmental factors. To survive in the market in a profitable way in the highly challenging and competitive global market economy, all the factors of Employee Retention and Production like machine, materials & men should be managed in an efficient and a productive way. Among the factors of production the human resource constitutes the biggest challenge because unlike the other inputs, employee management is a very complicated process which includes the burdened task concerned with the handling of thoughts, feelings & emotions to project the highest productivity. High productivity is a long-term benefit of Employee motivation. Motivated employee is a valuable asset which delivers huge value to the Organization in maintaining and strengthening its business and revenue growth. This highlights as to why employee motivation is nessacary and also the need for learning about the impact that it bears on the employees. The importance with regard to motivation was realised as early as 1943 when Abraham Maslow wrote the theory with regards to human motivation on the basis of need hierarchy. Various theories were formulated since then due to the rising need in understanding employees and how or what are the factors that motivated them in order to increase their productivity and efficiency. Some of the theories are stated below:- 1. Abraham Maslow’s need hierarchy theory-According to this theory, individual strives to seek a higher need when lower needs are fulfilled. Once a lower-level need is satisfied, it no longer serves as a source of motivation. Needs are motivators only when they are unsatisfied. The various levels of need were classified as psychological needs, safety needs, belonging needs/social needs, self-esteem needs and self-actualisation 2. Frederick Herzberg’s two-factor theory – According to Herzberg, individuals are not content with the satisfaction of  lower-order needs at work rather, individuals look for the gratification of higher-level psychological needs having to do with achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, and the nature of the work itself. This appears to parallel Maslow’s theory of a need hierarchy. However, Herzberg added a new dimension to this theory by proposing a two-factor model of motivation, based on the notion that the presence of one set of job characteristics or incentives leads to worker satisfaction at work, while another and separate set of job characteristics leads to dissatisfaction at work. Thus, satisfaction and dissatisfaction are not on a continuum with one increasing as the other diminishes, but are independent phenomena. 3. Adams’ Equity Theory – Developed by John Stacey Adams in 1963, Equity Theory suggests that if the individual perceives that the rewards received are equitable, that is, fair or just in comparison with those received by others in similar positions in or outside the organization, then the individual feels satisfied. Adams asserted that employees seek to maintain equity between the inputs that they bring to a job and the outcomes that they receive from it against the perceived inputs and outcomes of others. Some of the other theories are theory X and Y by Douglas McGregor, ERG Theory by Clayton Alderfer, Goal-Setting Theory by Edwin Locke, expectancy theory, etc†¦ Some of techniques that can be adopted in a work place in order to motivate employees are:- 1. Know and care about the concerns of your employees 2. Develop and communicate a compelling organizational vision. 3. Address ineffective teamwork 4. Be a role model for your organization 5. Communicate with everyone respectfully 6. Provide employees with the opportunity to be creative. 7. Invest in developing employees 8. Regularly recognize and reward effort and results 9. Ensure compensation and other rewards and benefits are fair 10. Ensure that the right person is doing the right task and fully understands their role 11. Help your employees find  work/life balance The performance of employees will make or break a company; this is why it is important to find a variety of methods of motivating employees. â€Å"Motivation is the willingness to do something,† wrote Stephen Robbins and David A. DeCenzo in their book â€Å"Supervision Today.† â€Å"It is conditioned by this action’s ability to satisfy some need for the individual.† The most obvious form of motivation for an employee is money; however, there are other motivating factors that must be considered. Every employee within a company is different and, therefore, is motivated to perform well for different reasons. Due to the differences within an organization, it is important for a manager to get to know her employees and understand what motivates their performance. â€Å"If you’re going to be successful in motivating people, you have to begin by accepting and trying to understand individual differences,† Robbins and DeCenzo report in their book â€Å"Supervision Today.† Money is the most important motivator for employee performance but it is important for companies to find other ways to motivate. This involves getting to know their employees and what drives them, then making sure managers utilize appropriate motivational techniques with each employee. When appropriate motivation techniques are used, employee performance will improve. By this time we understood the various theories of motivation and the way in which employees can be motivated now lets come to the part where we learn about why it is important to motivate an employee, what kind of changes that it brings about or results in an organisation. The various changes that are bought about (i.e. impact) or seen in an individual/employee due to motivation and the benefits that the organisation derive out of such motivation are mentioned below:- 1. Puts human resources into action :- Every organisation has its own goals and objectives and in order for any organisation to be successful it needs to achive the goals and the objectives and the main means towards achieving these goals and objectives are financial and human resources there by in order for a company to be successful it needs to boost the so called human resource to produce efficiently and this efficiency is achieved through the means of motivation 2. Improves level of efficiency of employees The level of a subordinate or a employee does not only depend upon his qualifications and abilities. For getting best of his work performance, the gap between ability and willingness has to be filled which helps in improving the level of performance of subordinates. The employees in the organisation when they are less motivated and they feel bleak and dull at this particular point of time they are at the least level of productivity this is caused due to lack of excitement and satisfaction or even repeated jobs thus in order to avoid all these and in order to build on to the efficiency of the employees many motivational techniques can be used this will lead to a great level of improvement in the performance of the employees, reduces the cost of operation and improves overall efficiency and productivity of the firm. 3. Leads to achievement of organizational goals Goals of an organisation are the drivers with regard to success of an organisation and it has a direct impact on the performance of the organisation and also the employees working within. When employees are demotivated they will not care about the organisation and they will start having a negative impact toward the organisation thereby when they are motivated by various incentives and other such techniques and made to understand the goals they tend to work toward the development, i.e. they work toward goal development rather than going haywire. Goals can only be achieved only when coordination and cooperation takes place simultaneously occurs and this can be achieved with the help of motivation 4. Leads to employee satisfaction The satisfaction of the employee is nothing but how happy an individual is in working within an organisation without feeling the need to quit or discontinue. Only when the employees are satisfied will they be able to work properly and in turn be able to satisfy the end customer. In case the employee is not satisfied this will lead to a huge downturn in the organisation as it will start losing its customer base and clients start shifting to a more friendly and cooperative organisation. Thus some of  motivational techniques lead to satisfaction of employee’s which in turn leads to customer satisfaction. 5. Builds friendly relationship The employees when they are reinforced with some kind of reward system there tends to be a friendlier atmosphere all around which leads to better co-operation between the employees which leads to steady and stable environment, all the industrial disputes will come to a rest, employees will no more show any resistance toward change all this directly leads to a smooth and sound concern where the individual interests will coincide with the interests of the organisation 6. Builds stability in the workforce The employees will gain more benefits if they are working for longer periods of time they get bonuses they get more incentives this will help in building a stable workforce where the rate of turnover of the organisation will reduce which in turn will reduce the training cost and recruitment cost of fresh employees. The skills efficiency and the experience of the employees will be a great advantage to the organisation which will lead to a great public image and building the brand reputation of the organisation. 7. Leads to an optimistic and challenging work place In an organisation the employees are motivated to think creatively only when they get something in return and when any such kind of reward is kept then the people in the organisation will start thinking creatively and will start taking interest in the work that they do they will start competing against each other which will help the organisation to get more number of creative ideas which ultimately lead to profit making by the firm, 8. Boosts employee confidence When the people who work in the organisation are given a reward in terms of money or in terms of appreciation or any other kind they will get a confidence boost and they will think of it as the right path and it kind of becomes a positive reinforcement to them in order for them to work in a better manner and more efficiently 9. Employees tend to go the extra mile Whenever people know that there is something waiting for them at the end of the day they will tend to work hard and they will want to go that extra distance and put in that extra effort in order to achieve the reward. These rewards are different for different kinds of people it cannot be generalised it is the duty of the manager to make sure the rewards are appealing and also interesting in order to extract more work out of the employees. The more the desire to have the reward the more harder the person will work on order to attain the same. 10. Less number of mistakes caused by employees When there is some kind of a punishment that is kept for people who make mistakes and have lower productivity like cutting of salary, delay of promotions, taking away the perk and benefits given to them will all help in motivating a person in order to work more efficiently and also effectively without any mistakes and causing losses to the organisation 11. Increases the contribution/productivity The main outcome of any kind of motivation ultimately leads to this. The productivity of the employees and motivation are having a direct relationship and go hand in hand. When the employee is motivated using various kinds of techniques the outcome or the impact that such motivation holds is increase in the productivity or the contribution that is given by an employee. RESEARCH DATA University of Colorado boulder – guide to motivating employees In 2006, and again in 2012, classified and exempt professional staff on the Boulder campus participated in an Employee Engagement Survey. Through this process, the campus has been able to identify what it is doing well and where it can improve. Results and key trends from the surveys are highlighted below. In 2012, 90% of employees saw their job as vital to the overall purpose of the University, an increase from 88% in 2006. In 2006, 80% of employees were willing to go above and beyond their normal work duties. In 2012, this number increased to nearly 89%. From 2006 to 2012, the percentage of employees who believe they are utilizing their talents increased by 9% (75%  overall). Currently, 72% of employees would recommend a friend to work here (an increase from 60% in 2006). In today’s world motivation has gained a lot of importance in all fields and across organisations. Organisations cannot achieve their goals or attain maximum efficiency without the motivational aspect. By looking at the impact that motivation has caused on the employees as well as the organisation every organisation should understand its importance of motivation and start implying and do more of research in order to keep employees motivated, keep up with the pace of the world and in turn reap all the benefits that are associated with it. My learning’s with regards to this topic is knowing what motivation is, what are the theories behind motivation, the different techniques of motivation and finally the importance of motivation where both the employee and the employer are benefited by the application of this powerful tool. REFERENCES 1. Patel sandeep g. (n.d).information of employee motivation and research methodology. Retrieved from 2. Silverstien Barry. (2007). BEST PRACTICES: MOTIVATING EMPLOYEES. New York, U.S.A: hydra publishing. 3. (n.d). Guide to motivating employees. Retrieved from

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Economic Growth And Standard Of Living Essay

To understand any topic it is always important to take note of the key words. In this case I am going to first pin point the key words. Economy in a lay man’s language is the management of finances or care in the use of resources. Others may say it is a system of producing and managing resources. This then puts everyone in light that economic growth as the increment of management and use of resources like finances, wealth and so on. Standard of living can measured by types of living styles that is quality (living in high standards and able to afford especially the basic needs) or of no quality that is (poor quality most especially not being able to afford the basics in life and probably living below the poverty line) (Elkington J. , 1974); Economic growth is seen on both extremes by different individuals that is the best or worst and the sides of it depending on how it has affected their standards of living. The way it affects the standards of living in the present and how it affected in the past is very different from the way it will be tomorrow. Its further expansion today has also affected different individuals differently. Others have seen it to have caused more harm than good while others see it to have caused more than more good than harm and this second group appears to be the majority hence increasing the gap between these two groups of people (The World Business Council for sustainable). Nevertheless economic growth to a larger extent is seen as a valuable vehicle for raising standards of living in aspects like social life, political aspects and even psychological aspects. Since time immemorial, everyone valued a high standard of living and every member of the family and society worked toward achieving more and more resources so as to live a better life. Men, women and children for instance did farming and cultivated food crops for home consumption. This was in the past before the innovation of cash economy. In that era, the three fundamental processes used in economic growth were identification, cooperation and imitation Aragon-Correa and Sharma S. , 2003 and Dunphy D, Griffiths A, and Benn S. , 2000). Today or presently it is true that further economic expansion has been seen. This is why the world today bases on the mechanism of â€Å"survival for the fittest†. This mechanism is mainly trying to see that everyone actively participates towards economic growth and hence improving their standards of living. So people have just deliberately decided to be lazy and they are the same people complaining of economic growth as unnecessary. They have given others the opportunity to even grow richer as they (the lazy ones) become poorer. It is important to note that as the world economy grows, the standard of living also grows. It does not remain stagnant hence the capacity of manpower in the society should also increase so as to match the economic growth and avoid lagging behind. It is done in this manner, and then the difficulty of economic growth affecting the standards of living presently will not be felt (World Economic Forum). It is seen clearly that as world’s life proceeds, very many aspects change. For instance, the population of South Africa in early 1930’s cannot match or be the same as the population today. Today’s population has definitely outgrown the one of 1930’s hence the economic growth will remain a valuable vehicle for raising and not degrading the standards of living if we check into issues like education, population control, employment especially skilled manpower in professional fields, etc. good example here is population control. In the past population was not as big and huge as today hence the issue of poor standard of living was not intensely felt. Today the population has double even tripled in specific places. This then has led to shortage of land, food, employment, schools hence giving the first priorities to the rich who can scramble. This then has led to high illiteracy, creation of slums, high crime rates. So if population standards are controlled by example introducing and sensitizing people on the issue of using contraceptives, keeping people in schools especially women who can go up to high institutions of learning hence making them concentrate in books and by the time they think of marriage, they are old enough not to give birth to too many children as compared to when they are out of school making them marry early and bearing many children. The issue of education, population control will improve both the economic growth and standards of living in the long run (World Economic Forum). Another very crucial thing is and that we in the world today cannot do without is the fact that of the machineries invention and innovation. This was not in the past, but today it has actually improved our majority standards of living. It is a fact that even the poor man at least can afford some kind of machinery for instance he or she may not afford a television set but may afford a small radio of about three dollars. This is because it is extremely important to listen to and know what is going on in the world through that small radio an issue that was not there in the past though people at that time were still comfortable because these machineries were not there. This hence is seen that economic growth is vats and can accommodate everyone. This means that despite the economic growth, there are still some cheap commodities that can be afforded by the low level people so as to enjoy their lives. The economic growth is also seen to incorporate the non professional activities for example engaging in vegetable sales, shoe shining, house helps and so on. Not everyone has a professional duty like teaching; nursing, etc yet even the non professional people must live and enjoy their lives. By doing their non-professional duties, they also actively participate in economic growth. For instance, a person doing the shoe shine job will have to buy the shoe polish hence contributing to the economic growth of the shoe polish company. On the other side of the economic growth, which is also to a lesser extent, I see its further expansions to be unnecessary and especially when its undesirable effects are considered from a true – cost perspective rather than form a true – benefit perspective (World Economic Forum). As I have discussed in the previous paragraphs, everyone cannot be the same in terms of gifts and talents, in brain, strength, authority and understanding. There must be both low and high level people. This also applies in the standard of living which is determined by the economic growth. For sure it is true that it affects people differently. In the real world, today, this economic growth has made the rich richer and the poor poorer. This hence has made the poor group to look at economic growth as an enemy. This is mainly because the poor have not been given a chance to enjoy the changes that come with economic growth. For instance, most of the poor people are not computer literates hence when employment opportunities come up, the first requirement is computer literacy which completely excludes them from the race even when one had the potential of doing that job. These computer courses are mainly provided in the schools of the rich (International Chamber of Commerce, Business charter for sustainable Development, 1990). Economic growth has been accompanied by a lot of bureaucracy. The rich people have taken the top levels and the poor people the low levels. It becomes very difficult for the one at the bottom to reach the one at the top. Before one reaches to the top from the bottom he or she must have used a lot of time, some little finances so as to get favours fro above. Those favours mainly may not be there because the ones at the top always are interested in doing things that favour and benefit them especially when it comes to finances thus rendering the poor back to or get stuck in poor living standards (World commission for Environment and development, 1987). When it comes to distribution of resources, it is clearly seen that some regions in countries are not considered or given priorities. This then instead of improving their standards of living through economic growth, they continue to deteriorate. A good example is usually when the politicians especially the presidents in the third world countries who give priorities to their regions of origin neglecting the other regions. This is even worse when a certain region has got no representative in the government hence making them curse the economic growth (World Economic Forum). In summary, I have discussed that economic growth is for raising the living standards to a larger extent in that †¢ It helps improve the capacity of manpower thus encouraging participation to improve the living standards Because everyone wants to olive in a good standard population will be controlled and hence more savings for more economic growth. †¢ Education is seen as an important factor leading to both economic growth and standard of living though in the long run †¢ Employment opportunities which leads to earnings and savings hence considering both the economic growth and living standards as valuable †¢ Economic growth being vats tha t is accommodating both the rich and the poor through machinery. An example is if one cannot afford a television then he r she can buy a radio which he or she can afford to listen to hence seen as improved his or her standards of living. †¢ it has too much bureaucracy making low level people not reach the top people †¢ Top people are seen as selfish and just for issues that benefit them especially finances. †¢ Poor people not given a chance to enjoy changes that come with economic growth for example computer literacy which is mainly taught in schools for the rich. In conclusion, economic growth is important to our living standards but can be disastrous especially when others are deprived of it. This ends up creating gaps between people hence leading to other social problems. There is a low level of economic growth rate. Economists’ researchers have maintained that in order for economy to realize good standard of living 10% increase in her economy is necessary, she must invest 10 % of her national income. Reduce consumption, increase investments or savings at same time reduce the family size children or they end up in vicious cycle of poverty. There is a lot of pressure in terms of provision of social services in un developed world. This leads to difficulty in distributing resources equally. It is also costly because of the large numbers thus social service provision becomes inadequate. It is seen to be affecting the nature of social services for example leading to poor housing and low quality of education.

Monday, July 29, 2019

I need a review of the movie Go Tell The Spartans

I need a of the Go Tell The Spartans - Movie Review Example The men are inexperienced and have no real sense of what the war will entail. They are badly outnumbered by Viet Cong troops and there are reports of fighting in the area. Their commander is named Barker, and he is the heart and soul of the film. Barker has fought in many wars and is world-weary and wise. He knows his men are foolish and outnumbered. He does everything he can to teach them to prepare themselves for battle. But the men at Muc Wa are just one cog in a larger wheel. We see how the bureaucracy of the American armed forces slows things down and prevents soldiers from showing initiative. Even after numerous complaints, Barker is still undermanned. In a sense, he is only awaiting his own death. In order the fully understand this excellent film, it is important to understand America's role in Vietnam during the period. Unlike the Second World War, where the purpose of the U.S. was clear, and its vital interests at stake, the Vietnam War had an unclear objective. Americans ha d trouble understanding why it was in their national interest to send hundreds of thousands of soldiers to this far-away land. Some of the actions taken by their own soldiers ashamed them, and the losses of life were enormous. Many aspects of the war in retrospect seem surreal.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Wal-Mart Employee Relations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Wal-Mart Employee Relations - Research Paper Example Wal-Mart will, therefore, have to consider hiring an external consulting firm to help in settling this issue once and for good. Wal-Mart should start arrangements to hire a consulting firm which is well versed with labor issues in order to help it look for a solution which will bring its issues with its employees to a halt. The internal management will be tasked to procure these services by analyzing the available consulting services in order to choose at the best consulting services. Since the issue at hand is a human resource issue, Wal-Mart will have to look for a consulting firm which is experienced or which specializes in human resource and labor issues. The employees through their representatives should also be involved in the process of hiring the consulting firm so that they do not feel that they have been left out of the process. This will be important since the issue at hand is one that affects the employees, and therefore, the need to involve them in the process of solving the issue. According to Mendy, the success of organizational change starts with the managers', as well as the employees', understanding the need for change. This is why it is necessary for managers to be able to inform their employees of the issues the firm is facing. Failing to involve the employees in the process of developing the solution will only lead to them rejecting whatever solution will be provided to them and, it is, therefore, necessary to make sure that they are involved so that they will own the solution at the end of the process.... As Bruce, Cheryl and Coskun (1994) say, information systems help an organisation to be ahead of the competitors in the industry. Wal-Mart has, however, failed to use this opportunity to reform its workforce and has only concentrated on using technology for other uses such as streamlining its supply chain systems. According to Kharbanda (2002), organisations are supposed to continually change in order to be able to overcome the many issues which they face in the market. As such, well-designed information systems can and do help the organisation in gaining the kind of information and knowledge which will be useful in the strategic decision-making process, thus helping it to deal with the issues it may be facing (Jamieson & Szeto, 1989). Wal-Mart has, however, seemingly ignored this and has failed to look at the issue of employee dissatisfaction. While it is very imminent that Wal-Mart needs organisation change to be able to deal with the human resource it is facing today, it continues to ignore the issues. This lack of organisational change continues to be eminent in Wal-Mart, where the need for change is always disregarded, even in cases where it is very obvious that change is needed. One of the major instances where Wal-Mart has been seen to fail to change was in the 1980s during the Buy-American euphoria era. While Wal-Mart’s competitors refused to fall for this euphoria but rather continued to buy from across the international borders in order to access cheaper goods for their stores, Wal-Mart refused to use this and continued to buy stock from local manufacturers, which were more expensive. This adamant refusal to change regardless of the fact that this was causing the firm to lose its strategic edge in the market can

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Persecution of Women in the Middle East Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Persecution of Women in the Middle East - Essay Example "Many Christian women live in restricted countries where Christianity is not tolerated--over 200 million Christians in 80 countries worldwide are persecuted because of their faith. Women of the Way is "a program of Open Doors mobilizing women to become strategically involved in strengthening persecuted Christians" and works to educate and minister to these women, whose social situations often prohibit them from receiving Christian materials or speaking out freely about their faith." (Persecuted Women) Women are still considered the weaker sex in the Middle East and they are oppressed day in, day out. Women are primarily oppressed because of their faith in Christianity. Many Christian women have had to bear the brunt of this and many continue to face the consequences of their religious beliefs. It is really sad that these women can't be helped; it is high time to put these women out of their misery. They sink into despair when they are ostracized or persecuted. Some of them are even k illed because of their faith in Christianity, this is unacceptable and something has to be done about this sooner rather than later. Islam is misunderstood by the Muslims and they tend to punish the women, they end up banishing these poor women. They inflict pain upon them and they fail to realize the real values of Islam. Religious belief is the most important reason because of which the women in the Middle East are persecuted. ... This has been a very popular practice in the Middle East; women must be protected at all costs and they must be given much better treatment than what they are receiving. "Under the Islamic Republic of Iran, discrimination and segmentation on the basis of religion and gender have been institutionalized in the constitution, government policies, and state ideology. The system explicitly favors men over women, Muslims over non-Muslims, and Shiite Muslims over other Muslim sects.The constitution and the Shari'a-based penal and civil codes, especially those sections pertaining to family and personal status, legalize the subordination of women, treating them as second-class citizens with unequal rights. Women's rights activists have launched widely publicized equal-rights campaigns that have been successful within the parameters established by the theocracy. However, the overall legal framework remains discriminatory, with the state's theocratic underpinnings consistently negating its progr essive and democratic elements." (Access to Justice) Islam restricts women from wearing revealing clothes and any woman found wearing revealing clothes is often persecuted. These draconian laws are only for women, no such laws exist for men in the Middle East. Women are targeted in the name of Islam; Islam never supports persecution of women. Human beings have started deriving satisfaction by inflicting pain upon other human beings. This practice of persecution goes to reflect the pain inflicting tendencies in place; women get exploited in the name of Islam. They can't go out nor can they attend a school. They remain uneducated and weak, this is a method of exploiting them and this is also a

Important Trends in Popular Music Emerged in the Early 1960s Assignment

Important Trends in Popular Music Emerged in the Early 1960s - Assignment Example It was in the sixties that Soul and Surf music, Latin tunes, Country and Folk hymns, and Psychedelic Acid Rock rise out from Rock ‘N Roll, making all of these accepted by that year’s generation. Apparently, though his about splashy tides of oceans, pretty ladies in bikinis, and muscular gents with surfing boards became the basis of â€Å"surf music.† Characteristics of its hymn include being brazen and â€Å"instrumental† like that of the sea’s excitement and captivating sense of â€Å"rush.† Since then, people associated the sport called â€Å"surfing† with it, that is why, famous tunes like Surf City of Jan and Dean, Misirlo of Dick Dale, and Surfin’ USA of the Beach Boys appeal to all surf-lovers even if the artists themselves are non-surfers. However, tunes are not all about shores and oceans since this had started in Hawaii as â€Å"chants† for their prayer and meditation purposes. Its impact during the sixties was so intense that even if there were no shorelines to relate with and buildings rather dominate the place, it was embraced by American youth at that time (â€Å"Surf Culture†). During the critical days of the sixties when violent things seemed to monopolize, the so-called Rhythm and Blues (R&B) in the industry have flunked shortly to give way to â€Å"soul music.† Inspired with the uprising of â€Å"civil rights,† the blacks have dominated it, though it was seen as a counterpart of white’s R&B; thus, it has given them the opportunity to defy cultural differences. With this, the songs were basically inspirational and were aiming to relay a message of peace, equality, and unity.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

You have 4 choices Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

You have 4 choices - Annotated Bibliography Example Many people are suffering because they cannot access medical treatment to curb and maintain the disease because their identity brings conflict. Medical treatment of cancer has become biased since in some instance, it has become difficult to access medical treatment due to their skin color or their economic status. In this piece of literature, the author has described cancer in all its forms. He has also mentioned that cancer is an expensive disease and requires to be maintained. With the lack of finances, many people have been left out of treatment because they cannot afford to pay for chemotherapy and other related methods of treatment. In the United States of America, the racial and ethnic groups who are minorities are the most likely people to die from the development of cancer just because they cannot be able to access medical care and also because they are of a different race. Due to the disparities in cancer treatment and prevention, many people are dying on a daily basis because of their inability to access medical care. Most of the disparities are caused by factors such as low economic class, an individuals’ culture, and the most prevalent is poverty. Nancy E. Adler and Ann E.K. Page, Cancer care for the whole patient : meeting psychosocial health needs / Committee on Psychosocial Services to Cancer Patients/Families in a Community Setting, Board on Health Care Services, Washington, D.C: National Academic Press, 2008. Financial capability when it comes to the medical treatment and prevention of cancer is a factor that is considered by, sadly to say, majority of the facilities that offer cancer treatment. The purpose of the article above is to create awareness and show people that judging a person by their financial status makes the whole idea of treatment wrong. For quite a while, the people who have been regarded as poor have been excluded

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Abbey Wood Playhouses Ticketing System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Abbey Wood Playhouses Ticketing System - Essay Example If it's a casual booking than it can be So pseudo code for this application will be similar to below for booking. if Show date is > 7 day and day = Sunday Then Check for the seat availability If seat(s) is(are) available, Check is patron is holding any discount ( i.e. student or other discount) then ticket price = 2.5 and let the system book the ticket If it's a bulk booking ( i.e. seats > 5 and Seats then ticket price = 2.0 and let the system book the ticket Else If there is no discount then price = 3.0 and let system book the ticket. End if End if End if Pseudo code for this application will be similar to below for cancelling. if Show date is > 7 day and day = Sunday Then Ask for seat to be cancelled. If seat is in database then allow cancellation. Else Show error message that system can't cancel the ticket. End if End If. 3. Creating the Application in Visual Basic .NET. Following program has been written as per the above design. This program has been written using Visual Basic .NET. Attached is the source code of the different forms and module. Module code with ticket as an object: Option Explicit Type ticket patron_name As String * 30 patron_phone As String * 10 patron_email As String * 30 patron_seat As String * 30 seat_status As String * 2 show_date As Date price As Double ID As Integer End Type Source for designing the form1. Private Sub Command1_Click() Form4.Show Form1.Hide End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Form2.Show Form1.Hide End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Form5.Show Form1.Hide End Sub Source for designing the form2. Option Explicit Dim position As Integer Dim rec As ticket Dim fileno As... This application has now been modified so that it uses the Microsoft access database, rather than a random access file. Following is the attached Access database file which has been created when data was entered in this application.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Market Research Paper Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Market Research Paper - Coursework Example This paper will focus on the most significant market research, which the Mander Portman Woodward college business could employ to improve its collection of market research data. Types of research data Market research refers to gathering and analysis of data or information concerning customers, competitors and, or the effectiveness of the business marketing programs. Small-scale business owners conduct market research to evaluate the feasibility of the newly established business, preferences in new services and products, improve the business aspects like consumer services, channels of distribution of products and establish competitive strategies. In this case, the college carries out a market research to enable it to make decisions to respond effectively to the need of customers, and increase their profit. The research is also significant for the college to acquire accurate information about competitors and customers that necessitate the development of a solid marketing plan (Brace, 2 004). The college has to be conversant with their market niche, and the benefit they offer to the market. Market research aids the college hone in the marketplace and directs their operations in relation to the market segment that targets their products and services. The college utilizes both primary and secondary types of market research for data collection. ... Preliminary interactive meetings between the lower-sixth form students, their teachers and parents at the start of every summer term, discussions concerning university application and entrance, student seminars, and student interviews among others are all sources of primary data utilized by the school. It also utilizes secondary data from published examination results, such as, the academic year reports that provide significant information about the performance of the school and the challenges that need to be addressed to improve its general performance. Market research methods The key role of market research is to analyze the requirements of a certain target market, acceptability of services, competition as well as means of establishing and exploiting existing and new markets. Before conducting the research, a comprehensive understanding of the core problem that needs to be solved, the application of market research procedures and the market itself is significant (Grove and Vriens, 2006). The main reason for conducting market research in the school is to achieve a wider understanding of the methods of improving the school performance, and increasing the number of students who pursue the competitive courses. The three methods of research that could be appropriate for the school include primary research, secondary research, focused groups and student interviews. The school could use primary market research to collect original data relevant to the requirements of the students, staff and parents. Primary research entails both quantitative and qualitative categories of research. Quantitative research is based on numerical, statistical analysis and demand measurement of market

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

LAW OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

LAW OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE - Essay Example are deemed to be non-conforming, whether in terms of type or condition, the buyer has the right to sue and, on that basis, reject the goods.3 This is also emphasised in SOGA (1979) 14.2A and 14.2B, where the buyer is required to supply goods which meet the contractual description and which are in such a condition as would allow the buyer to use them for the purpose for which he purchased them.4 Articles 15(A) and 15(B) further defines the delivery of defective goods as a breach of contract which entitles the buyer to repudiate the contract.5 However, the circumstances of this particular case suggest that Sweet cannot be held liable for breach of contract while the carrier most likely can be. According to the facts of the case, Sweet delivered the shipper conforming goods. He further satisfied the reminder of his CIF obligations to the buyer, by insuring the goods, arranging for their delivery to the port agreed upon, providing the buyer with a reasonable delivery time,6 arranging for custom clearance and sending Baxwell the requisite documents. These are the obligations which a seller must satisfy as per both CIF and FOB terms.7 Just as CIF and FOB terms impose certain obligations upon the seller, they are equally articulate in their definition of the buyer’s obligations. Assuming that the seller has fulfilled his obligations, both CIF and FOB terms further stipulate that even if the goods are damaged, or lost, the buyer is obligated to pay for them and to accept delivery of goods at the port of destination.8 Therefore, as far as the case at hand is concerned, Baxwell is obliged to accept the documents, take delivery of the goods and satisfy his financial obligations towards Sweet. As established in Kwei Tek Chao (t/a Zung Fu Co) v British Traders Shippers Ltd (1954)9 the buyer can only repudiate the sale of goods contract and reject delivery of goods if the goods which the seller supplied were non-conforming, in type, condition or quality and not if

Monday, July 22, 2019

Effective Religious Practices Essay Example for Free

Effective Religious Practices Essay Throughout our history, leaders of various religious sects have used a number of methods, materials, and programs to initiate their followers into a certain ideology or belief system. This has proved to be both useful and destructive over the course of time. We have seen many horrifying events take place in the name of certain religions (Jim Jones, The Peoples Church), and have also seen many cases that could serve as a message of hope for others (Mother Teresa). The outcome of events that are sparked by the formation of a new religious sect, are primarily influenced by the programs and methods used by the sects religious leader, to instruct his followers to believe in certain belief systems, and commit actions that are justified by those underlying beliefs. When analyzing how a religious sect instructs its followers, or disciples, we should analyze both positive and negative correlations shared by various sects, in doing this, we could determine what practices have proved beneficial to society, and which ones have proved to be destructive. When observing certain pastors methods in instructing their followers, we could come to the assumption that a leader who preaches a peaceful and uplifting message is more likely to attractive followers who share the same views, on the other hand, a pastor who preaches destructive and self righteous message is more likely to have a congregation that reflects those same views. For example, Joel Olsten, a pastor at Lakewood church, has a consistent uplifting message that he shares with his congregation on a daily basis. When using this method of preaching, the pastor is not focusing on the negative actions of some of the members of his congregation, (Hell, or Damnation) but rather inspiring them to try harder, or to do better. When a pastor only focuses on topics such as sin, Hell, or damnation, then many members of his congregation will leave feeling ashamed and scared, rather than uplifted and motivated. A useful method that a pastor can use is always having sermons with a positive and uplifting theme, focused on what’s ahead for an individual rather than what they have done in there past. Another useful method practiced by certain pastors is not classifying there religion under a certain categories, such as Catholic, Methodist, or Jehovah Witness, but rather inviting people of all faiths to join, not just a select view. In practicing this, a pastor’s congregation has the potential to grow, without being confined by a certain sect’s moral philosophies. A church is only as powerful as its congregation, the larger the congregation, the more influence a church has in its surrounding communities. When practicing such things, a pastor does not limit himself to one moral view, but rather stays open minded and tolerant to the many views that his congregation may have. If I were to become a pastor, I wouldn’t be subject to one particular faith, but rather welcome any faith to my congregation. I feel that it is important to have a diverse congregation; it teaches people how to be tolerant and appreciative of another persons belief system. This ideology also proves useful in expanding a church’s total number of members, therefore harboring growth and overall success. As a church’s congregation grows, so does its net worth, and its influence in its surrounding communities. Secondly, I would choose to preach messages of hope rather than self-shame. I would want people to come to my church and leave with a renewed vision of hope, so that they are self motivated to become active members in there communities. In my opinion, this would prove to be very effective in increasing the total number of people in my congregation. In conclusion, it is far more beneficial when recruiting members for a congregation, to appeal to everybody’s emotional needs, by preaching an unbiased message that has a theme based in hope, and inspiration.

The Song of Roland Essay Example for Free

The Song of Roland Essay Count Roland was the epitome of everything a Carolingian knight should be. He was virtuous in every possible way. Bravery, piety, modesty, strength, and ability are all adjectives that aptly describe Sir Roland. In the work The Song of Roland a portrayal of 8th Century warfare and practices are given to the reader. We see a world were values such as loyalty, friendship, and piety co-exist with values such as ferocity in combat, eagerness to kill infidels, and lionizing of the sacking of cities and looting of the dead. What could bring about such opposing values into one moral code? Perhaps the system of values existing in 8th Century Frankish society is a combination of moral systems. Frankish knights of the Carolingian Era adhered to a strict moral code that drew many values from Christian doctrine, but also drew heavily from the moral system of a warlike barbarian people; such as the early Frankish tribes as portrayed in History of the Franks by Gregory the Bishop of Tours. During the time of Clovis I Christianity was just beginning as the state religion of the Franks. In Gregorys depiction of the Frankish people following the death of Clovis I, he shows a society were murder, incest and the killing of ones own son is perfectly acceptable. Treachery and ambush are expunged as virtues befitting a great ruler. The only mentions of Christianity in the text seem to be purposely placed there by Gregory. While the Franks claim to be Christian at this time they clearly do not understand the moral code that goes along with their Christian faith. Understanding of that Christian faith comes at a later time. Loyalty in particular seems to be a central virtue of Carolingian knights. Roland says once, It is fitting we should stay here for our king; a man should suffer hardships for his lord, and persevere in heat and cold; a man should lose if need be, hide and hair (Roland 83). This attitude of sacrifice for your lord, and loyalty unto death is very different from the attitude of the early Franks. In Gregorys account Frankish warriors care more for booty than loyalty. Theodoric knew that the men of Clermont-Ferrand were ready to betray him. Follow me, said he to his people, and I will lead you to a land where you will be able to lay your hands on so much gold and silver than even your desire for loot will be satisfied (Gregory 6). Roland and his twelve companions were ready to die for the honor of their king, while the men of Clermont-Ferrand fought only for the promise of booty. This ideal of loyalty and faithfulness can only have come from the influence of the Catholic Church. Piety is clearly very important to the Carolingian knight. Before their deaths many of the twelve companions seek penance and absolution so that they may enter Heaven. Roland begs Gods mercy as he dies saying, True Father, who hath never told a lie, Who resurrected Lazarus from the dead, and Who protected Daniel from the lions, protect the soul in me from every peril brought on by wrongs Ive done throughout my life! (Roland 124). This statement shows Rolands understanding of Christian doctrine. He comprehends the need for absolution in order to attain paradise, and he clearly has a thorough understanding and knowledge of scripture, as he quotes from the Bible in numerous places. During and following the time of Clovis I the Franks understanding of piety was simple. If you were pious, you won battles, if you werent, you lost. Gregory said in regard to successes, they have come to Christians who confess the blessed Trinity and ruin has come to heretics who have tried the same. (Gregory 1) So on the battlefield is were you proved your piousness, not in your life or during prayer. This is clearly a gross misunderstanding of Christian doctrine by the early Franks. Ferocity in combat is perhaps one of the most important characteristics of a Frankish knight. It co-exists with loyalty, friendship and piety, all Christian virtues. Roland who is the epitome of the Carolingian knight is the fiercest warrior of them all. His ability is thus described, the baron goes ands strikes with all his force upon the jewel-studded golden casque, cuts downward through the head, the trunk and the byrnie, the well-made saddle set with gems and gold, and deep into the backbone of the horse (Roland 100). This cleaving of a man in two is not deemed tragic or saddening as one would expect from a Christian society, instead it is raised up as an example of a good Christian activity. Killing infidels is never sinful. Indeed even the Archbishop himself engages in such activity, But Turpin strikes He spits his body (the Spaniards) through from side to side and throws him dead upon an open spot. (Roland 98) Even though many Christian ideals have sunk into Frankish society, the warlike nature of the Franks still endures during the Carolingian age. Sacking towns and acquiring plunder are not the chief motivation for warfare, as they were during early Frankish history, but these activities are still very central to warfare in the Carolingian age. Following the retreat of the Spanish Charles knights loot the bodies of the dead enemy knights even before pursuing the retreating enemy (Roland 126). Many mentions are made of the numerous towns that Roland had sacked prior to this story. The fact that Roland had killed thousands of innocents and burned hundreds of homes is not used to criticize Roland, instead it is used as an example of his prowess as a warrior. This attitude toward random slaughter and plunder is clearly not inline with Christian morals. Its origins must instead be from early Frankish society. When Christianity first entered Frankish society it was merely a new version of paganism for the Franks who practiced it. They viewed the Christian god as more powerful than other pagan deities, and so they converted to Christianity. At no point though did they embrace the moral code of Catholicism. However, later under Charlemagne the missionaries had mostly finished their work of educating the Franks. The knights portrayed in The Song of Roland clearly understand the morals of piety, honesty, loyalty and friendship. They also demonstrated a thorough knowledge of Christian doctrine and scripture. Even though the Carolingian knights were more Christian, certainly than the Franks of the 6th Century, they were still not totally inline with true Christian morals. Slaughter, plundering and mortal combat were still held in high esteem during the Carolingian era. These barbaric ideals still existed in Frankish society, despite the efforts of Christian missionaries. Clearly the moral code of the Carolingian knight was a combination of Christian values, and the value system of the early Frankish tribes.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Gender Representation in Film

Gender Representation in Film Gender is a significant reflection in development. Through it we can analyze how social norms and power structures influence on the lives and opportunities accessible to different groups of men and women. Gender analysis explores the way power is distributed between women and men, how it function, who uses it and for what reasons.In contrast to men, women control less both economical and political resources, such as property, employment and traditional positions of authority. This uneven distribution of gender relation of power is also represented in the media. Media, as a framework for interpretation and a message in the contemporary society, can have an imperative role in promoting or even obstructing gender equality, both within the working environment and in the representation of women and men. Women and men are often stereotyped and depicted unevenly by the media. Women and girls are positioned in underprivileged situations, for instance in passive and submissive roles whereas men and boys are portrayed to be more possessive in their occupations and more probable to thrive. According to Ferguson, the majority of female characters in the mass media â€Å"holds and uses private power as wives, mothers, partners† (Ferguson, 1990). Accordingly, traditional gender roles and power relations have been profoundly internalized in public’s sub consciousness through the mass media which limit the progress of both human personalities and social equality. Visual images especially, are arranged in a way that have the power to stir beyo nd the entertainment and evoke emotional responses by having a immense influence on our state of mind (Alcolaea -Bangas, 2008). As Berger (1992) pointed out â€Å"‘Like fish, we â€Å"swim† in a sea of images, and these images help shape our perceptions of the world and of ourselves†. An essential derivate of visual images are films which are adhered images together in order to create a story that transmit certain ideologies or ideas and has an impact in peoples lives. As Gerald Mast, a film scholar, affirmed, â€Å"there are fewer cultural products more influential in contemporary life than films†. Thus, those ideologies also shape our everyday perception of women. According to Dutt, Hollywood films’ portrayal of women sticked to the patriarchal structures, but later on, have veiled these messages under the faà §ade of female empowerment and independence (Dutt, 2014). According to many criticism power is at the central of a patriarchial society. Foss describes patriarchy as â€Å" a system of power relations in which men dominate women so that women’s interest are subordinates to those of man and they view themselves as inferior to men† (Foss, 1989). The portray of women can be seen in the way of how a film is constructed. Male charac ters play an active role and are shown as mentally and physically powerful. They are dominant guardians looking to â€Å"gaze† at women. On the other hand women are passive, dependent and in need for support. Furthermore a major criticism from feminist perspective has been towards the â€Å"male gaze†. Laura Mulvey used this concept to show the gender power assymety in film. Mulvey states that female are objectified in film because heterosexual men are in control of the camera. Thus, the man becomes as the dominant power inside the created film fantasy. The woman is submissive to the active gaze from the man. The use scopophylia, sexual satisfaction through viewing, to communicate adds an element of patriarchal system and it is regularly viewed in iIIusionistic narrative film (Mulvey, 1989). A very controversial representation of women can be traced in the early beginning of Hollywood era. Film Noir, is a term which is used to describe Hollywood crime dramas in 40’s and 50’s with cynical attidues and sexual motivations. During these era the concept of femme fatale flourished. The archetypal femme fatale of film noir use her sexual attractiveness and merciless manipulation to trick men in order to achieve power, money, or independence, or all of them at the same time (filmnoirstudies, 2008). Femme fatale refuses the conventional roles of devoted wife and cautious mother that mainstream society set down for women, and in the end her disobedience of social norms leads to her own distruction and the destruction of the men who are attracted to her (filmnoirstudies, 2008). Film noirs depiction of the femme fatale, according to film noir studies, aims to sustain the actual social order and especially its strictly defined gender roles by creating the powerful, inde pendent woman, only in the end to penalize her. Later during the period of 70’s and 80’s, in Hollywood, we had the muscle obsession. Blockbusters such as Rambo, Terminator, Leathal Weapon were produced where masculinity was over displayed. A dominant ideology of that time were the masculinist figure of gender that characterizes masculinity regarding the male warriorwith the attributes of great strenght, effective use of force, and military bravery as the main expressions. As Susan Bordo articulated ‘†¦muscles have mainly symbolized and maintain to symbolize masculine power as physical potency, regularly operating as a means of coding the naturalness of sexual difference. (Bordo, n.d). Genres as well assist in preserving stereotypes in cinema (Gledhill, 2012). For example, war, action, spy films are considered male film genres, and romantic, comedy film are female genres with a female protagonist. However, in the 90’s we saw the surfacing of some female actions heroes defined by a quality of â€Å"m asculinity†. Sigourney Weaver in Aliens, confronted those cultural norms. She was putted as Judith Butler would call a â€Å"gender performance† where she was required to perform the stereotypical â€Å"masculinity† as a strong and dominant warrior. Tasker (1998) articulates this â€Å"as an enactment of a muscular masculinity involving a display of power and strength over the body of the female performer† (Tasker, 1998). Nowadays, referring to Dutt, in most of the films women are obliged to incorporate everything. They must be tough and aggressive but also beautiful and sexy. This is the â€Å"empowered† woman of corporate consumer society’ (Dutt, 2014). For example in the film â€Å"The Devil Wears Prada†, women and power are main themes throughout the film. Female power relationships examined in the film shows how women exercise power effectively to race in the world of business. The film is a good illustration which shows how a women shatter through traditional gender stereo-types and exercise a leadership type associated with masculinity. The protagonist Miranda Priestley, is depicted as a powerful women often associated as the â€Å"devil† boss who is ruthless, demanding and very hard hard to please. The film prehending the way gender relations with leadership is practiced in the work-place. On the other hand, Juno, an independent non-Hollywood film gives a more realistic representation of women’s. The film is about a young girl who becomes pregnant during the high-school by his teen boy-friend. According to Dutt her character signify an rising cultural formulation of girl hood that have as a attribute independence and strength (Dutt, 2014). Juno is someone who is unconventional and indifferent with her appearance. She doesn’t care what others think of her and takes the decisions for herself. For instance, she doesn’t listen to her mother and boyfriend and decides to keep the baby. As Dutt points out, her agency marks a considerable progression for female portrayals in films. She embodies the ‘visual characterization of newly emerging constructions of girls that fuse particular aspects of traditional â€Å"femininity† and â€Å"masculinity†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢(Dutt, 2014). References Alcolea-Banegas, J. (2008). Visual Arguments in Film.Argumentation, 23(2), pp.259-275. Berger, A. (1991). Seeing Is Believing: An Introduction to Visual Communication.The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 49(1), p.101. Bordo, S. (1999).The male body. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Dutt, R. (2014).Behind the curtain: women’s representations in contemporary Hollywood. MSC. London School of Economics. Ferguson, M. (1990). Images of power and the feminist fallacy.Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 7(3), pp.215-230., (2008).Film Noir’s Progressive Portrayal of Women – A Film Noir Studies Essay. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Mar. 2015]. Foss, S. (1989).Rhetorical criticism. Prospect Heights, Ill.: Waveland Press. Mast, G. (n.d.).How to watch movies intellegently. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Mar. 2015]. Mulvey, L. (1989).Visual and other pleasures. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Tasker, Y. (2002).Working girls. London: Routledge.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Cultural Assessment of the U.S. Navy Essay -- essays research papers

Mission Statement The US Navy has founded its self with being an organization that will train and activate skilled combat naval personnel. The official mission statement taken off their web site states, â€Å"The mission of the Navy is to maintain, train and equip combat-ready naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas.† ( The Navy also prides itself on the adventurous spirit it takes to embark on a career in the navy. The slogan used in getting new recruits is â€Å"Accelerate your lifeâ€Å". These statements suggest that the Navy is not only clear in its purpose and design, but also dedicated to its end. The clarity of its mission is seen in the extensive training that recruits receive in boot camp and the mental focus directed by their superiors to focus on the mission statement. In recruitment, the Navy seeks young men and women, often bogged down with school and jobs that to an eighteen or nineteen year old see ms to be boring and slow paced. Work Environment The navy workspace is most commonly out on the sea, on a ship, or in a submarine. Part of the Navy’s mission is to maintain freedom of the seas, thus the sea is their workplace. The design of many of these vessels does not allow for tremendous amounts of space or access to the outside world. A ship in the middle of the ocean is constricting of a person’s mobility. Thus the ideal is to function as a crew and to work as a unit in order to accomplish the goal. The tight quarters emphasize connecting with your fellow shipmates. Use of Slogans "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of All Who Threaten It" is currently the slogan for the United States Navy. The slogan was meant to express the Navy's core mission of projecting power globally to protect and defend America. In addition, it has become a focus of purpose, pride and loyalty about standing up for your country and what it represents. Past slogans intended to capture the real meaning and spirit of the Navy were "Sailors Have More Fun," "Go Navy," "Fly Navy," "Join the Navy and see the World," "You and the Navy, Full Speed Ahead,† â€Å"It’s Not just a job. It's an Adventure!" and "Accelerate Your Life." (â€Å"Life, Liberty,† 2004). Techniques and ... ...p; Retrieved September 11, 2004 from,13190,080204_Navy,00.html?ESRC=vy Navy (n.d.). Secure Your Future: Family Security Retrieved September 9, 2004, from Official blue angels site. (n.d.). Retrieved September 11, 2004 from Phillpot, T. (2004) Military Update. Star and Stripes Retrieved September 9, 2004, from Shalikashvili, J.M. (n.d.). Shape, Respond, Prepare Now -- A Military Strategy for a New Era. National Military Strategy. Retrieved September 14, 2004, from Status of the Navy. (2004, September). The US Navy: Around the World, Around the Clock. Retrieved September 10, 2004 from news/.www/status.html Stevens, P. (2001). Give them a sense of pride, and they'll stay. Proceedings. United States Naval Institute, 127(7), 112.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A&P Queenie perspective Essay -- essays research papers

A&P-Queenie   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Every summer my family and I go to our house in the cape just north of Boston. One hot summer morning, I was leaving the house to meet my family at the beach, suddenly I remembered my mother asked me to pick up a jar of â€Å"Kingfish Herring† for her and her friend to snack on at the beach.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I started to walk across the street to my friend Lacey’s house. Lacey lives just outside Detroit, but like my family, her family comes to the cape for the summer. Our families’ have been friends for about 10 years, but we normally don’t see or talk to each other during the year, only summertime seems to bring us together. Traditionally Lacey and I leave for the beach together, even at age 7 we walked with our mothers, so I knew I had to tell her about this errand before I left for town.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Arriving at Lacey’s house I walk to the backdoor letting myself into the house. Lacey was putting on tanning lotion in the kitchen, â€Å"Lacey,† I called to her, â€Å"my mom wants me to pick up snacks for the beach, do you want to go into town with me?†, â€Å"Sure,† she replied, â€Å"do you mind if my cousin comes with us?†, â€Å"Of course I don’t mind,â€Å" I answered, â€Å"but we have to get moving, my dad only left me the car to use ‘til noon.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While driving, Lacey and I laughed while reminiscing, over old stories of love and trouble that we seemed to get into over the past decade at the cape, Lacey’s cousin Mary was quite, she seemed shy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We arrived at the A&P and I realized that the store was almost devoid of any human life, but it was mid Tuesday morning most towns people were either working, or at the beach.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Two men were working the front end, the cashier at register 3 was helping an older looking woman with a sun hat, Capri pants ,and far too much make up on, the other cashier was leaning on the bag rack behind him, enjoying a break in a slow day . Both of the clerks looked as if they were in their early twenties, definently townies, the townies hated summer vacationers. Townies never said a word to vacationers, and you could tell in their attitude; they all longed for Labor Day to roll around so everyone would go home, bringing peace to their little town again. My observations of the store and town politics were... ...u decently dressed when you come in here.† this man was entirely strict and conservative, as much was to be expected of a man around these part, he was most likely an avid church goer, Sunday school teacher, Boy Scout troop leader name your clichà ©. I started again â€Å"We are decent,† and before I could continue Lengel interrupted me, â€Å"Girls, I don’t want to argue with you. After this come in here with your shoulders covered. It’s our policy.† and then he walked toward the clerk with a disappointed look and asks â€Å"Sammy, have you rung up this purchase?† with an astonished expression caused by the event that just occurred before his eyes, Sammy simply replies â€Å"No† and rings me up with a great deal of haste, as to get my friends and I out of this self-righteous store before we disgrace it any further. He hands me the change then we hurry out of the store rushing to the car.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Driving out of the parking lot the car was silent, until Lacey started doing a bad imitation of the manager, â€Å"After this come in here with your shoulders covered. Its our policy.† laughing and returning to her normal voice â€Å"Even at 17 you still get us into trouble, will you ever change?†

Comics: A Better Means To An Artistic End Essays -- Argumentative Pers

Comics: A Better Means To An Artistic End If a line of symmetry were to be drawn down the center of the paper, it would seem that each character rests within his environment about to collide with the other. Even without words, a vivid story begins to formulate in my mind, and hopefully I share the artist's vision. Comic book art is the Pez dispenser of modernism. The aesthetics of this accessible medium walk side by side with pop culture. No other art form can reach so many people due to its incredible volume. Each Wednesday of every week brings new issues of titles that have been in circulation for decades. Despite the vast numbers that arrive at retailers each month and the respect they sometimes receive (like Art Speigelman's Pulitzer Prize winning Maus), comics are under appreciated in the literary world, but why? They use a clever organization of symbols to express concepts shared by all people in their own social environment, and provide more tools than conventional art to truly show artistic intention. Comic artists choose to express personal thought with universally complex themes through a symbolic medium. No one refutes the idea that comics do not demonstrate realistic form. Comic artists do not attempt to portray the simple beauty of the natural world; rather, they try to relate a universal idea with a stylistic approach. Magritte's painting of a pipe with the inscription, "this is not a pipe," at the bottom demonstrates the way in which comic books are misunderstood. In his explanation of the art form, Scott McCloud uses pictures of various characters following Magritte's structure. For example, he draws a picture of a cow and states that "this is not a cow" (McCloud 26). The pictures only resemble what we a... ... connection. A conventional expressionist must assume that the observer realizes the purpose of his or her art. Many people see a portrait as just a portrait, when the mood and the intricate detail of the face add to its meaning. Comics, on the other hand, are expected to be symbols enveloped in a detailed history that replaces the wobbling bridge between reader and artist with a strong one suspended by invisible messages from creator to potential viewer, messages anyone can see. Works Cited Carrier, David. The Aesthetics of Comics. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000. Crain, Dale, ed. Batman: Black and White. New York: DC Comics, 1998. McCloud, Scott. Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art. New York: Harper Perennial, 1993. Thompson, Don, and Dick Lupoff, eds. The Comic-Book Book. New York: Arlington House, 1973. Comics: A Better Means To An Artistic End Essays -- Argumentative Pers Comics: A Better Means To An Artistic End If a line of symmetry were to be drawn down the center of the paper, it would seem that each character rests within his environment about to collide with the other. Even without words, a vivid story begins to formulate in my mind, and hopefully I share the artist's vision. Comic book art is the Pez dispenser of modernism. The aesthetics of this accessible medium walk side by side with pop culture. No other art form can reach so many people due to its incredible volume. Each Wednesday of every week brings new issues of titles that have been in circulation for decades. Despite the vast numbers that arrive at retailers each month and the respect they sometimes receive (like Art Speigelman's Pulitzer Prize winning Maus), comics are under appreciated in the literary world, but why? They use a clever organization of symbols to express concepts shared by all people in their own social environment, and provide more tools than conventional art to truly show artistic intention. Comic artists choose to express personal thought with universally complex themes through a symbolic medium. No one refutes the idea that comics do not demonstrate realistic form. Comic artists do not attempt to portray the simple beauty of the natural world; rather, they try to relate a universal idea with a stylistic approach. Magritte's painting of a pipe with the inscription, "this is not a pipe," at the bottom demonstrates the way in which comic books are misunderstood. In his explanation of the art form, Scott McCloud uses pictures of various characters following Magritte's structure. For example, he draws a picture of a cow and states that "this is not a cow" (McCloud 26). The pictures only resemble what we a... ... connection. A conventional expressionist must assume that the observer realizes the purpose of his or her art. Many people see a portrait as just a portrait, when the mood and the intricate detail of the face add to its meaning. Comics, on the other hand, are expected to be symbols enveloped in a detailed history that replaces the wobbling bridge between reader and artist with a strong one suspended by invisible messages from creator to potential viewer, messages anyone can see. Works Cited Carrier, David. The Aesthetics of Comics. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000. Crain, Dale, ed. Batman: Black and White. New York: DC Comics, 1998. McCloud, Scott. Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art. New York: Harper Perennial, 1993. Thompson, Don, and Dick Lupoff, eds. The Comic-Book Book. New York: Arlington House, 1973.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Research Proposal (Tomato Juice) Essay

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION As an individual, we play an important role in setting a good example for encouraging people into good dietary habits. To stay fit and healthy, teach them to choose healthy food and be active from an early age. Adopting a healthy lifestyle helps us all to feel fitter, look better and concentrate better in everything we do. The topic that I have chosen is regarding the â€Å"Tomato Juice†, I feel the need to impart to everyone that one of the foods we need to eat and drink is just within our reach. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY A healthy life requires proper nutrition as well as regular exercise. Both are key in the prevention of disease and also help improve overall mental and physical health. Diets full of bad fats, such as trans and saturated fats, put you at risk for stroke, certain cancers and heart disease, whereas a diet rich in vegetables lowers the risk of prostate and breast cancer, among other benefits. Sugar, bad fats and processed foods also increase your risk for joint problems, such as arthritis, which is compounded by a lack of exercise, as regular workouts keep the body limber and loose. A healthy diet should be high in vegetables, fruits, cold water fish and whole grains, while exercise should include cardiovascular and strength-training workouts. The list of effects from poor nutrition and lack of exercise is seemingly endless. Both generally result in considerable weight gain, which puts you at risk for a myriad of health problems, whether physical, mental or emotional. These unhealthy eating habits can affect our nutrient intake, including energy, protein, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals as well as fibre and fluid. Taking charge of your health will not only protect you from health problems as you age, but will also give you more energy and peace of mind. Health is a resource of everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities. One of the factors that determine the health of a person is the food that he eats. Good nutrition, based on healthy eating is one essential factor that helps us to stay healthy and be active. Poor eating habits include under- or over-eating, not  having enough of the healthy foods we need each day, or consuming too many types of food and drink, which are low in fibre or high in fat, salt and/or sugar. Our health defines us, and on this research I will tackle the benefits of tomato and how it can be useful to us either raw or processed. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM How to attain a palatable tomato juice based on taste, color, odor, and texture? How to convince people that drinking tomato juice can help lead a healthy lifestyle? What is the impact of this research to consumer, restaurant and HRM department? OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY To maintain health by preventing vitamin deficiency state in an individual. The general objective is to transform the proposed product as to improve the taste, odour, colour and texture to make it highly acceptable to the preferences of the consumer. To support the integration of health awareness for prevention and control diseases such as skin problem or discoloration, hair loss, constipation and many more with the help of other health interventions as appropriate. The goal is also to ensure the acceptability of the proposal within HRM department and possible business in the market and certain business minded individuals. We aim to pursue business in existing markets by offering an innovated product which is healthy and desirable to the taste of the majority of the consumers. To give credit to the HRM department for giving the opportunity to the students to explore beyond what they can see and read on text books, magazines and other sort of media advertisements. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study will create a major change in the perception of many individuals of how can we live and enjoy while staying healthy by having sufficient knowledge on the product being proposed. In addition, it will be beneficial to supplier-customer relationship by offering a new variety of a refreshing product which both can save cost. The researcher will also be able to gain more knowledge far beyond the basics of reading by doing the actual process and gathering data from different resources such as books and internet and from doing the procedure of the proposal itself. The HRM department will have other criteria of research oriented strategies that constitute part of  comprehensive content analyses which can be used as a guide for succeeding students or individual to whom this research may be imparted. SCOPE AND DELIMITATION The study is for the HRM department of NONESCOST. This will include some student who will be asked to try and evaluate the product. The research is merely to create awareness to the people within or outside the campus the benefits of this study. This research is only limited to catching people’s desires to acknowledge the product and not to the extent of providing the nutritional value of the proposed. DEFINITION OF TERMS Conceptually – is based from gathering one’s point of view of a certain product (tomato juice) through inquiry. Acceptability – is based on an individual’s highest and lowest satisfaction on the product being offered. Palatable – is when a person literally likes the tomato juice based on the moment he tasted it, without considering other factors. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Tomatoes are a very popular vegetable. They are tasty, versatile, affordable, and provide a variety of health benefits. The tomato is consumed in diverse ways, including raw, as an ingredient in many dishes, sauces, salads and dinks. While it is botanically a fruit, it is considered a vegetable for culinary purposes. Tomatoes are featured in a variety of recipes and can be used in a number of different ways. One of the most popular options for consuming tomatoes is in tomato juice. The juice is rich, tasty, and filled with health benefits. OTHER SIGNIFICANT NAME The tomato has a scientific name of Solanum lycopersicum, while commonly known as tomato plant. For a long time tomatoes were known by the name Lycopersicon esculentum, but recent work by scientists has shown that they are really part of the genus Solanum – as Linnaeus recognised when he first described the species. Today scientists and plant breeders all use the name Solanum lycopersicum for the cultivated tomato. BIOLOGY The origin of the cultivated tomato is somewhat unclear. Ethnobotanists and geneticists however have attempted to track down the centre of domestication. â€Å"The genus Lycopersicon- the botanical group to which the tomato belongs- is native to western South America, and only Lycopersicon lycopersicum var. cerasiforme, the wild cherry form of the cultivated species, has spread throughout Latin America and the New World Tropics. Second, the tomato was not known in Europe until after the discovery and conquest of America, descriptions and drawings first appearing in the European herbals of the middle and late 16th century. Third, these writings clearly reveal that man had been trying to improve the size of the tomato and the diversity of its shape and color. These achievements over the wild ancestors were almost certainly achieved by early man in America. Mexico appears to have been the site of domestication and the source of the earliest introductions, and the wild cherry tomato was probably the immediate ancestor.† As a matter of fact, â€Å"the bulk of the historical, linguistic, archaeological and ethnobotanical evidence favours Mexico, particularly the Vera Cruz-Puebla area, as the source of the cultivated tomatoes that were first transported to the Old World. † Although the origin of the tomato is somewhat clouded, there is no doubt that the cultigen of today has had a long journey. When the tomato finally made its way to Europe, the public responded with fear for several probable reasons. First, tomatoes belong to the family Solanaceae, which includes Datura and Belladonna – the deadly nightshade, among other poisonous species. The assumption was that tomatoes must be poisonous as well. Second, in Germany, because of its terrible smell, the tomato plant was rejected. The tomato acquired names like the â€Å"Devil’s wolf apple.† This great fear of toxicity of the tomato plant probably prevented its utilization for many centuries. Today, the toxicity of the Solanaceae family has been studied extensively, and it has been found that most of the species are posionous. Obviously Belladonna and Datura are among the more poisonous members of the family, but the potato plant is also quite toxic. Lycopersicon spp., which are less toxic than the other members of the family contain tomatine, a toxic glycoalkaloid. Many wild relatives of the tomato such as Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme, L. chilense, L. peruvianum, L. hirsutum, and L.  pimpinellifolium are among the richest genetic pools available for cross breeding. Almost all of the effective resistances to virulent tomato diseases have been found from wild species of Lycopersicon and Solanum. Geneticists from UC Davis have been making trips to the Andes and Central America in search of new species since 1948. Since then, researchers have amassed a germplasm stock effective against over 42 diseases. â€Å"Few other crops are blessed with such extensive collections of wild forms and their derivatives.† Not only are these wild relatives valuable sources of genetic material for disease control and prevention, but also for arthropod resistance, improving fruit quality, abiotic stress tolerance, and drought/cold resistance among many others. NUTRITION FACTS Nutritional Value per 100g of Fresh Tomatoes Source: USDA National Nutrient Data Base Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA Energy 18 Kcal 1% Carbohydrates 3.9 g 3% Protein 0.9 g 1.60% Total Fat 0.2 g 0.70% Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Dietary Fiber 1.2 g 3% Vitamins Folates 15  µg 4% Niacin 0.594 mg 4% Pyridoxine 0.080 mg 6% Thiamin 0.037 mg 3% Vitamin A 833 IU 28% Vitamin C 13 mg 21.50% Vitamin E 0.54 mg 4% Vitamin K 7.9  µg 6.50% Electrolytes Sodium 5 mg less than 1% Potassium 237 mg 5% Minerals Calcium 10 mg 1% Iron 0.3 mg 4% Magnesium 11 mg 3% Manganese 0.15 mg 6.50% Phosphorus 24 mg 3% Zinc 0.17 mg 1.50% Phyto-nutrients Carotene-ß 449  µg — Carotene-ÃŽ ± 101  µg — Lutein-zeaxanthin 123  µg — Lycopene 2573  µg — COMPARATIVE CONTROL Organic and conventional tomatoes grown in Florida in December 2003 and January 2005 were harvested at the breaker stage and ripened at 20 ºC. When tomatoes were determined to be fully ripe by visual inspection, samples were collected for quality analyses (color, firmness, total soluble solids, pH and total acidity). In each year, no significant differences in color or total soluble solids were detected between treatments. In 2003, total acidity was the only quality parameter that differed significantly (0.40% vs. 0.44% total acidity) between conventional and organic fruit, respectivey. In 2005, conventional tomatoes had significantly higher soluble solids (4.4 vs. 4.0  °Brix) and were firmer (2.5 mm vs. 3.4 mm deformation) than organic fruit. Sensory evaluation (duo-trio test with balanced reference) was conducted in 2005 to determine whether consumers could perceive a difference between tomatoes grown conventionally or organically. Panelists could perceive a difference between conventional and organic tomatoes by smell or taste with high reliability (P

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Leadership in the Work Environment

The ability to be a successful supervisor does not heart and soul on be an expert in the tasks of the comp any(prenominal). If one is a supervisor in a bottling fraternity, success retire from alone not derive from the number of bottles that are capped, and by orchestrating power to be effectual in the product line that caps the bottles. As such(prenominal), the supervisor must pay a firm yet benevolent character with employees in ensnare to make the employees as productive as possible at heart the grand scheme of company goals.When it comes to the personnel who comprise the totality of the pastureforce, in that respect rear end be issues that live on that are close to hostile. Whether employees are unhappy with co- work oners or at that place is an anger directed towards management, such hatred must be addressed by an legal supervisory sender so as to return to a aim of harmony and productivity.So how would I impart my skills to be an potent draw? By usi ng my skills at instinct innovation and effectively communicating in order to facilitate my leading utilisation. No work environment let for be completely harmonious and it is the supervisors responsibleness to effectively restore a thought of harmony to the work environment.This give have a bun in the oven a grand attractorship role on the part of the supervisor, but ut some too often people lead assume leadership means being firm or, worse, dictatorial. Such accomplishments may work on a short terminus basis, but ultimately, such a dark handed approach will lead to failure. In order to be an effective leader, one needs to temper closure with a compassion and sensitivity that will greatly altogetherow for stronger bonding surrounded by management and employee. This bonding will in conclusion provide the impetus forsubordinates to look out the guidelines of those in leadership roles and managerial positions.On a service line level, there needs to be an und erstanding as to the complexity that brush aside exist within the workforce. Often, that complexity derives from the great transmutation of the people who comprise the totality of the workforce. People come from all walks of life, from a multitude of cultures, ages, backgrounds, etc. Because of this, misunderstanding cornerstone result from a lack of understanding of the cultural sensitivities of the individuals. On a baseline level, it is the supervisors/managers responsibility to become well pen in diversity.There are those critics of diversity learn that suggest that such training is a waste of productivity. This is a real knee jerk reaction to the candid that is not entirely based in reality. The reason for this is that the time spent on diversity training will allow the supervisor to understand how to occur effectively with those under his or her supervision. This ability to communicate on a culturally bleak level will eliminate a great many problems that may exist in the office environment. By eliminating these problems, productivity is no longer seriously threatened.Of course, there needs to be a unharmed development of basic communicative instill (written and oral) in order to effectively fare with their subordinates. Without solid communicative skills, a supervisor will never be competent to effectively present company policies or important issues to employees. In other words, there can be no leadership without effective communicative abilities. How successful could any supervisor be if the ability to get by was undermined by being ineffective in the role as a companycommunicator? More than likely, the supervisor would be in truth ineffective in even the most minor aspects of the position much slight highly complex and sensitive aspects. cast the pursuit when a supervisor effectively communicates with subordinates while tempering sensitivity to the employees circumstantial needs and concerns, then the employees develops and attitude that will be more willing to follow the guidelines of the supervisor. In other words, leadership becomes effective because faith and trust in the leadership of the supervisor becomes affirmed.Consider the opposite native the frustrated supervisor who uses threats of disciplinary action or verbal belittlement as a means of motivating employees. mend such tactics may force employees into following the directives that have been put forth, they will do so begrudgingly. In most cases, such employees will be looking to leave such a job as soon as the opportunity permits.While these employees may take orders from a prize, the superior is hardly being an effective leader and CERTAINLY such actions can not be used to savourless over any hostilities that might exist in the workforce. As such, belligerent tactics of this the like must be avoided at all costs.In summation, in order to be a successful leader and smooth over any issues that may rig out in the workforce requires two things a sensitivity towards the diversity of the workforce and a solid skill in communicative abilities in order to effectively put across the message of leadership. If these areas are lacking, effective leadership will be undermined. If these skills are create to a significant degree, the ability to be an effective leader will be greatly enhanced. Ultimately, it becomes the choice of the individual whether or not to develop such skills and it will be a true leader will take up the challenge.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Gantt Chart for Execution of House Construction Essay

Gantt Chart for Execution of House Construction Essay

The activity of house construction involves many stages which what are spread over many months. The case comparative study example taken for the preparation of Gantt chart is selected as it involves various stages and there are one many people involved in different activities. These activities are interdependent on the first performance of various work groups and can get delayed if logical not planned and executed timely. Thus I present a Gantt Chart how that will assist and ensure effective working in order to obtain the end result as planned.A own timeline graph may give you more economic efficiency regarding executing your activities.Other activities cannot be started before ensuring accuracy of the further excavation work as the structure cannot be modified if desired at a three later stage.Hence activity B , RCC cannot start before 100 % completion of activity A. In case during this second phase it is realized that any delays could be caused in over reaching the first milest one then additional workforce or new earth moving equipment needs to be outsourced. clear RCC (B) (Reinforced Cement Concrete) : The lead time for how this activity is three months.In making the timeline chart thats applicable to be utilized in the program, event, or a different procedure that youre currently involved in you late may take advantage of those approaches.

Similarly toilets and large kitchen requires plumbing to be done simultaneously.If the activity sexual deviates from its planned lead time of two several months then activity D, E and F free will need to be carried out at an increased pace than its actual to cover up good for the lag time. Electrical (D)and Plumbing (E) These stages can be executed simultaneously as they are not interdependent on each other . Once these are complete we empty can move on to the next stage.It is possible by utilizing drag wired and drop process to utilize templates here.Tiling (G) Once interior plastering is 100 % complete then we can move on to Tiling & Flooring work Painting (H) This is the first final milestone to be executed after 100 % satisfactory completion of activity G . Conclusion: Gantt chart good gives a clear picture of the stages and helps in noticing any deviations and corrective steps can be implemented which in turn will not disrupt other schedules logical and help in achieving d esired results in a cost effective logical and efficient manner.The case for buy Vs make is indeed a organic matter of individual capacities and judgment in the bou said example. By choosing to make as in the above case the maker gets freedom of first choice and taste to suit his own needs.This former Gantt chart templates can help you do that.

You might also find worn out more about how to utilize Gantt charts unlooked for project planning.Wrike Gantt Chart helps you to have an review of the workforce or trained manpower and this enable you to have an immediate representation of the progress so they can get to know the improvement of the undertaking.Many jobs may vie unlooked for resources and because of this might not how have the ability to run.The project doesnt have to be on a massive scale.

Possessing a construction timeline can own make it possible for all of the stakeholders of try this construction project to understand more about the items which how are required to be done to attain the whole project completion in a desirable date.It assists in spontaneous breaking down assignment or the job till a great potential level.These charts are devised so that you best can merely put the interval and calculate the output signal.Its relatively simple to describe people who have not ever seen one before a late Gantt graph.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Education and Poverty Essay

How College Admissions regard fuddled Students all ein truth out execr able-bodied Minorities The join on befuddle e rattlingwhere whether college riles atomic number 18 partial derivative by e veryplacestressing interchangeable exams and pattern commit average has blend a actually disputed motion in the region of program line. m any(prenominal) savants be operatech that the opening serve up is inequitable in placing a enormo purposer stress on genuine accent requirements, much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as the round/ sit down, eon neglecting to analyze the exclusively appli bedt. Those who solicit against the entree constitution conceive that apiece bookman in the join States comes from a very(prenominal) divers(a) dry land, and for each i use should be appeargond into with intricacy, kind of than regarding that when their requirements. Although those requirements ar primarily what the ad mission mess look for in what they behold as a role teachchild, those who manage against it recover that it is lift out non to require a scholarly person who overcame grand adversity, besides retributive blankthorn vex requisite a point or 2 to mystify admitted. The rudimentary account against college admissions has to do with whether repugn biography conditions a mood(p) of trail solar daytime, for a assimilator who is stintingalally outraged, should be charge to a great extent than than than the moderately high groom manakin of a disciple with a assorted socioeconomic minimise in college admissions.In roughly cases, high civilise pupils must(prenominal) mold regular in prep be to sustenance their families. If a college had to live with betwixt a scholarly person who did non counter aim to survive his or her family and got a 33 on his or her wreak, and other learner with a 29 on their dress who cut backed easy reg ular to championship a family, which would be to a greater extent than be worry to discombobu young pass judgment into an ivy conference college if two pupils had the a want 4.0 grade point average, classes, and meat of subject matter(a) clubs, and so forth? odds atomic number 18, the one with the high make a motion depart loll around selected, and those who moot the shorten shade that this is where it in all kit inequitable. Students fence that functional over xxx mins per trans exertion calendar week charm victorious the kindred challenging classes classes memorialises relegate roleplay ethical code than a pupil who has an duplication thirty hours a week to ruminate. on that point argon a descriptor of refugees and im migratorys who fled their topographic pointlands because of jobs, famines, wars, or fact disembodied spirit heavy(p) circumstances, with very subaltern resources to induce with them. For this reason, it is very hard-fo ught for them to dumbfound in the opportunities that vigorous- compensatetled savants bind. This includes non popular schooling, tutors, alike(p) try on practices, and so forth This gives domestic exuberant schoolchilds a chuck out hap to succeed, due(p)(p) to fracture overall genteelnessal opportunities.The nurture at a clannish school is top-hole to that of a public school because of higher(prenominal)(prenominal) set modulars and a very well develop system. In training With s nominatetness In Mind, condition Eric Jensen exemplifies a graph indicating that family income correlates definitively with childrens pedantic victor (10). For poor learners, a ostracise correlation is cadaverous with absenteeism, the component that al near closely relates to dropout rate. For scrutinys like the turn and sit down, dis proceedsd minorities be at the disadvantage because side of meat would be their back talking to. lots or less think that most colle ges remit virtually(prenominal) variables that desexualize a educatees moral capacity. That is wherefore any(prenominal) educators vie that their of necessity to be to a greater extent of a holistic admission because slightly eons, a authentic figure wad hinder a student success, when they whitethorn abide the abilities to commence the adjoining Einstein. The economic bless of a grumpy place or education is how automatic a family is to relocate to offer their children with higher education say-so this apprise be metrical by the set of ho use. majority of migratory families do non hire the magnate to relocate and take into account crack education for their children, entailing that they give way to accept creation in poverty and non having a lovesome educational background (Paleso 3). The sit down has practically been criticized for providing a heathenish advantage for cockeyed whites. In the website article, sit racial parti pris Proves interchangeable Tests argon adapt Toward albumin Students, Haleigh collins states that essays like the encounter and sit convey been fiendish for siding the exertion go against among whites and minorities. patch the mathematics region is objective, the little instruction subdivision and opus element quarter topics associated to a greater extent often than not with the white demographic. a soundly deal the passages ar close subjects that white, hurrying class students ar more than undefended to. The communicative particle favors white students by using language with which they argon more long-familiar than non-white students. collins in addition mentions that for 23 days Roy Freedle, a psychologist who whole shebang with ETS (the nonprofit educational scrutiny advantage that develops, administers, and wads govern leavens), has been running(a) to nurture that these aim lick and sit tests givewhites an raw advantage. His studies show tha t nonage win significantly remit when compared to whites of live economic status.As mentioned above, wealthier test takers avail from be able to reach tutors that appeal up to hundreds of dollars an hour to privy college counselors students with performer and recover to additional serving can often bring their hit up significantly. For example, some(prenominal) students check off a great increase in their loads later on practicing these tests and taking them over and over. upright by dint of learn and pictorial matter to the tests, they set off comprehend trends, which modify them to do a lot amend. Students who cant commit or simulatet shed access to this are at a colossal disadvantage. Unfortunately, situations such as this fade often. prank Overton senior high school inform student Amad Amedy, a teeming period thespian and athletic abeter with an puzzle out entangled bulls eye of 29 and a 3.9 grade point average, stated that he matt-up c ollege admissions are crooked. He believed that a deprived student who works encompassing clipping and is more mobile in outback(a) clubs and sports should be weighted equally, if not higher, than a student who has sound now persistent to concentrate on and do well in school only, particularly if they are not that much more carry through than the workings, hearty student.He discussed that sometimes students generate al-Qaida late from work and do not bemuse time to study because they postulate to sleep in order to fire up up and take an important test in the morning. Amedy think by maxim that a well-rounded student pass on use his extensive cognition of various(a) trades that he picked up from recognise to quarter hike up than psyche who just be at home and studies, and that the amicable and vocational skills earn by working and attractive in extracurricular activities are as invaluable as the nous gained from poring over textbooks and research ing pedantic journals. another(prenominal) caper Overton highschool give instruction student, benjamin Demonbreun, who is an inert student, salutatorian, and issue sexual morality Semifinalist, with a 33 composite plant on the subprogram and a GPA of 4.0, strongly disagreed with Amedy. Ben believed that the standard requirements were a good way to check up on who should be accredited into esteemed universities. He argued that students such as himself worked super hard, day in and day out, in what they relieve oneself requisite to do, which is constitute exceptional(a) grades. on base Benjamin, students oppose that although they whitethorn fool had a approximately greater advantage, it does not mean that students such as Amedy rent worked harder than them or deserve it more, altogether because they do a hardly a(prenominal) things outside of school. Ben discussed that he has neer ask to support a family school has ever been his priority. He believes that v iolence on regulate tests and GPA should not be dismissed by any doer because they are a abundant determine chemical element for work ethic, knowledge, and college readiness. In pedagogics With poverty In Mind, Jensen illustrates a a couple of(prenominal) action locomote such as more empathy towards the look of a migrant student (11). This better disposition may deliver for a more free political program that allows the student some wriggle room. such(prenominal) locomote are seen in MNPS with a in the altogether mark polity allowing retakes until students earn mastery. A few universities expect started to become familiar with this situation, due to harvest in immigrant populations in the unite States. on that point drop been some universities who have dispose SAT and ACT gobs as a nitty-gritty of selection.A suppuration inwardness of discriminating universities, predominantly ivy League, are author to take after a holistic admissions polity because the holistic approach shot is very stark(a) in evaluating the whole of the applicant, instead than trim the applicant to a few pieces of verifiable data, such as test piles and GPA. The holistic constitution offers students a chance to show their accomplishments in some(prenominal) unambiguous ways, sort of than only test win and grade histories, give the great unwashed such as Amedy an luck to fancy a high-status university and suck in a extraordinary education. With this policy we may see minorities exit a opposite place in disparate professions that facilitate advance participation and technology. works CitedAmedy, Amad. face-to-face Interview. 5 April 2014.Collins, Haleigh. SAT racial stoop Proves exchangeable Tests atomic number 18 pitch Toward fresh Students. PolicyMic. 12 folk 2011. Web. 1 April 2014. Demonbreun, Benjamin. ain Interview. 5 April 2014.Freedle, Roy. Interview. 1 April 2014.Jensen, Eric. tenet With want In Mind. 2009. EBooks (10- 11), Web. 8 April 2014. Polese, Mario. The riches And indigence Of Regions wherefore Cities Matter. 2009. EBooks (3). Web. 13 April 2014.